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Rethinking Compressed Air in Manufacturing

compressed air meets ai

Our Mission

Bringing IoT and Machine Learning to a Centuries Old Technology.

Over $3.2 billion of compressed air is wasted
each year in the U.S.

We aim to reduce this number by helping our customers implement these AI and IoT technologies.

Our Approach

We aim to lead the industry adoption of IoT and Machine Learning for Industrial Compressed Air systems.

Data Capture

Our team helps you decide what sensors to install and where to install them, allowing you to produce key insights about your plant.

Active IoT

Capturing the data isn’t enough- we go one step further with our patented demand control system, decreasing idle demand in your plant.

Predictive Analytics

Our proprietary Machine Learning Models help pinpoint inefficiencies like leaks, prevent downtime, and increase overall system efficiency.

How Much Energy Does Your Plant Waste?

Our Expertise

Industries We Serve

Our main focus, manufacturing, is the biggest user of industrial compressed air systems.

Our flexible system can adapt to even the harshest and remote conditions.

Need Help your Compressed Air System? We Are Experts!